social impact causes x
Bertzman Funds BlueConduit to Get the Lead Out
BlueConduit’s customers rely on their machine learning platform to predict unknown service line materials
Jul 18
Bertzman Funds Female Hygiene Provider – Be Girl
Be Girl exists to meet the gap in menstrual products, education, and positive messaging, especially in emerging markets.
Jun 30
Bertzman Funds Water Treatment Provider – EnBiorganic
EnBiorganic provides water treatment-as-a-service (TaaS)
Jun 14
Bertzman Funds Kenya-based Sanivation
Sanivation develops and implements solutions to meet the demand for rapid and locally deployable sanitation services.
Apr 01
Bertzman Funds Water Remediation Provider - SWIG
Removing water-born nutrients is an effective way to prevent the growth of harmful algae blooms
Feb 15
Bertzman Funds Water Tech Provider - AquaRealTime
AquaRealTime provides automated detection of water-born harmful algae blooms
Feb 05
Bertzman Funds Zilper Trenchless
Zilper's versatile and cost-effective trenchless technology is used to reduce the cost of critical underground pipeline infrastructure.
Dec 02
BertzmanSV Funds StormSensor
“Our system is like Google traffic maps for sewers, while also integrating other climate data for deeper insights into risk and resilience,” commented Erin Rothman CEO of StormSensor.
Jun 04
When ‘Free’ Doesn’t Sell
The search and discovery of truth as to why only a limited number of families were reached with the foundation’s dependence on donations and why many recipients of the free devices neglected to use them.
Oct 11
Water ATMs could be part of the answer in India
Minerals, electrolytes, and healthy water from an ATM to provide underserved individuals with their basic right -- water.
Oct 10
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